Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Simon Says: Put your Hand Over your Mouth

Simon Says is such a fun game, if you have a fun group who is ready to play.

Yesterday I was to address a group from The Council on Aging, a group of 385 people who had been bored to pieces for the previous 3 hours tolerating the subject of Understanding Regulations That Will Affect Senior Citizens and The Health Care Industry. They were still eating lunch when I was shoved up to the podium to "lighten their load" for an hour with my witty, clever banter about injecting light-heartedness into the lives of their fellow-workers and "senior-citizen" clients. I think they were still digesting their food when my nephew Sean interrupted my speech to play Simon Says. (yes, this was planned..he isn't THAT much of a microphone hog!). Thanks heavens we had the right SIMON leading this group. I didn't exactly have the audience eating from my hand (since they already had a plate full of food) with my first 15 minutes.....and I welcomed the playfulnes that Sean brought forth to the group. After his fun, energetic 5 minute game, the crowd was soooo much more lively! Yippee!
The whole point of my talk was that we can all benefit from" lightening up"and even allowing the child within to come out and play.
The average 5 year old laughs 400 times a day. The average 35 year old laughs 15 times a day.
What happened to the other 385 laughs? and if a 35 year old only laughs 15x/ about an 80 year old??
I think the group had quite a giggle with our silly little game...and then they were more receptive to the second half of my talk. We went on to share other ways to spread fun throughout the day. Like maybe give a lottery ticket to a grocery check-out clerk and thank her for her standing on her feet all day. Or maybe, give $1.00 tip to the bus boy who works hard at the restaurant with NO positive feedback.
Or write a funny note to your mail carrier, thanking them for not losing your mail.
Get out on that playground yourself today. It's a nice day to smile.

1 comment:

ylmurph said...

Now keep in mind...when you started speaking - there were people facing the other direction, people still eating (you could hear the sound of forks hitting plates for a couple of minutes) and still, you managed to get their attention. Inside of ten minutes, everyone was turned around, laughing, and drawn in by your witty, clever banter.
It was great stuff.

As far as Simon goes...I'm available for weddings and bar mitzvahs