Tuesday, March 07, 2006

I'm Living On A "Remote" Island

I am remote "challenged". Even if the remote has two buttons, I will push the wrong one. I have a MINIMUM of 15 remotes around this house serving 7 TV's, many video recorders-type units, numerous ceiling fans, fireplaces and a video camera. My car even has a remote start to it that I've never learned to use. In fact, I can't work any of them effectively. The fact that I have so many electronics around here is scary. I dream that they might all come alive because they have been thrown in frustration so many times. They then all line up and all my electronics start up simultaneously. This is crazy. There should be a "Remote School" for us technically challenged idiots.
I tried to return to my childhood days of getting up from the couch to change the TV station at the TV, but I can't find the dial there! The string to the ceiling fan has long-ago been ripped down and well.....maybe the 21st century electronic inventions and Margaret Mary just don't mesh well.
Whoops..time for dinner. After dinner, I will put the remains in the garbage disposal or trash compacter but first, I have to go microwave it...I know how to do that!


ylmurph said...

I'd say you need one of those simple remotes...that do the timer deal and everything - but I'm pretty sure you have one of those.

Maybe you should focus on the radio for awhile...

Peggy Murphy said...

The radio? As in listening? I can't find any programs that are worth listening to...do you know any good radio talk show hosts??