Tuesday, October 10, 2006

What "Bugs" Me

The change of weather has prompted some of God's smallest critters to feel they have a "home" in MY house. So, I call one of God's bigger creatures to come "usher" them out.
I get very, uh,er..shall we say ~ WIMPISH when it comes to this kind of stuff? I'd rather have 10 teeth pulled than deal with 3 ants parading through the hallway with hoisted signs reading "we work for food". (Ok, never mind about the teeth thing.I was just using editorial license)

So in comes the guy with the uniform, the obligatory mask and his trusty 20 ounce can of Raid.
He disappears with a barely audible and supposedly comforting phrase, "I hope I can get 'em all"......
WHAT? He HOPES he can get them all?

That's why I pay for a $400/year contract...so at a moments notice, "Mr. Terminator" (can't use the company's REAL name for fear of law suits) can come in and save this damsel in distress.

He returns in 3 minutes and takes 30 minutes to explain to me stuff that I really don't want to know about concerning various species of bugs. Then he tries to "upgrade" my contract so he can use the REAL ushering techniques for both inside AND outside. (I presumed that I HAD the contract that would really get rid of anything unwanted ~ (including maybe guests overstaying their welcome)
Now I am getting a bit nauseous with his graphic description of what I MIGHT get into myhome over the winter months here in Ohio, so I attempt to divert his attention by asking him how busy he is that day. He tells me that the company's eight "technicians" are having to work extra hours to take up the slack of a fellow technician who left the company. He went on to (slip up) say how much he misses the departure of his fellow tech as the guy apparently taught him how to increase his sales.
(SALES? I thought he was a bug killer!)
Then he actually BEAMED (no kidding..there was light coming from his nostrils) as he told me he had $8,000 in sales last year but this year he had increased his accounts to $35,000 due to this recently departed "coach".

A question then BEAMED into MY mind:
So, is he:
A) a "technician" who has a stomach for exterminating little bugs?
B) a super-stud salesperson with a can of aerosal and a mask...or
C) is the mask a hint as to what he is really doing?

Oh, by the way, no need to send a sympathy card for my little "friends" ~ they are still here, only now they are demonstrating with bigger signs that say, "We have gas masks too HA, HA"

Anyone want to come over for dinner?


Anonymous said...

I am not really surprised considering the number of extremely old things in your pantry...

Anonymous said...

brian is silly

Peggy Murphy said...

Anniebelle..you call Brian SILLY?
That's NOT the word I had in mind....