Wednesday, June 11, 2008


Yesterday I walked into a store that had a sign on it's entrance that read "WE PROSECUTE SHOPLIFTERS".
I wondered if there were stores that DIDN'T prosecute shoplifters and if THEY had signs reflecting their generous nature.

The next store I entered had a sign that stated "NO HANDGUNS ALLOWED".
I wish I could see the surveillance camera taping the 125 people who read
the sign and went back to their truck to deposit their weapon before

Others senseless signs to me are:
a restaurant that advertises "GOOD FOOD"...I've never seen one that said "MEDIOCRE CUISINE"..
"HOT SOUP" instead of "TEPID SOUP"?

Furniture stores - "SUPERB QUALITY" Really? You mean your mattresses aren't "LOW QUALITY"??

"COLD BEER"...oh, mouth was watering for a "LUKEWARM BREW"...if they had only advertised THAT!

When I see a street sign warning me, WRONG WAY, I wonder if every other street should instill confidence in the driver by stating they are going the "RIGHT WAY".

Oh, well, maybe I should have named this blog post, "HYSTERICAL OBSERVATIONS" when in fact, it's just my own musings....

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