Wednesday, November 07, 2007

The Doctor is OUT...bye, bye, Dr Quinn, Dancing Woman

See Jane...

See Jane dance...

See Jane go....

Bye, bye, Jane.

Ok, so Dancing with the "Stars" (or Dancing With the Not-So-"Starish") has voted off another foot-flopper. Jane Seymour is an inspiration, for sure ~ but she tells us that over and over. She talks about how no one even "remotely" her age has ever done this before (excuse me! I am EXACTLY her age and I can cha-cha with the best..just don't ask me to "do-bop" in heels)..

Dr. Elegant goes on to bring out her MRI's to show her 3 compressed disks in her back then she flips out another set of MRI's to reveal her knee injuries. (I hear that she may resort to having her Doctor accompany her on interviews to confirm her medical records)

Retired Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman claimed in an interview today that she hasn't danced since she was 16 ~ but, hmmmmm I seem to remember seeing the previews of a bad movie where she supposedly danced and showed her enhanced bodacious ta'ta's to all viewers.

I'm still hooked on this show...and jealous of Dr. Jane, Medical Marvel Dancer.

1 comment:

ylmurph said...

welcome back!