Thursday, November 08, 2007

Old Sayings

In response to a question like, "So, are you going to be at work on time tomorrow?" one might say, "God willin' and if the creek don't rise"...well, "one" whom might just be "older than dirt" or had been sayin' that expression since he was "knee high to a grasshopper".(maybe better than saying "armpit height to a gray-tooth sloth")
From where do these golden pearls originate you might ask if you were a curious sort?
Well, "God willin' and if the creek don't rise" has nothing to do with water at all. It referred to an Indian tribe, The Creek Tribe, who were a little "madder than a hatter" that their land was stolen out from under them.
Kinda like the saying, "I would go to the mattresses for you, Guido"...(I added the "Guido" part) That was said when the mafia was after someone and people would go into hiding and stack bed mattresses up against the doors and windows.

I know, I am your oasis of knowledge in your desert of ignorance.

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