Wednesday, September 13, 2006

SLOW News Day

I read the news via internet broadcast. They update their most visable stories hourly so I feel I am getting the most current look at what's happening across the world.

Today, included among the top 10 stories were:
Britney Spears giving birth a son (That made my day..just having trouble figuring out what to buy her for a baby present).....and
Gary Weddle, age 40-something, from the state of Washington, has decided not to shave his beard until Osama Bin Laden is caught.
Finally! Someone is doing SOMETHING rational about getting that renegade into custody! I'm sure once our President and military personnel hear about Gary, OBL is as good as in handcuffs.
I will turn on the TV news tonight and the "BREAKING NEWS" will start off, "Growing Beard like Osama motivates military to capture Lead Terrorist, Bin Laden" . They may even fly Gary over to wherever OBL is apprehended, to have a photo opp.

Maybe if I stop mowing my grass, the networks will bring back the TV show, "Commander in Chief"?..or maybe I'll stop wearing deoderant...or eat popcorn everyhour on the hour...or blog every 15 minutes...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I like the popcorn idea, who is making it? And I love the blog every 15 minutes. It would keep me occupied.