Thursday, September 14, 2006

Countdown to Christmas

100 days until Christmas!
2400 Hours left to shop for that perfect present.
Spiff up the credit cards ~ start NOW to prepare for the one day of the year that the majority of Americans over-spend, over-eat and over-emphasize gift-giving.

I've experienced 55 Christmas celebrations and the best ones that I remember were the funny ones where we gave each other joke gifts and laughed uncontrollably. We played ping pong and darts and no one got mad because I beat them consistantly.
Now, understand that we gave and received nice presents...but I couldn't tell you the specifics about more than a handful of gifts...but I remember the laughing.
Since my family unit has changed it's profile over the years, with some gone and some additional members to enjoy, I feel more and more strongly that I want to make fun memories rather than open forgetful presents.
I pray that quality TIME spent vs. presents becomes the norm vs. a novel idea.

If someone spends even 15 minutes getting nervous or pressured because of not having the money to purchase the "right" presents, spend the next 100 days being creative about how to relax and enjoy the Holidays in a creative way.
Be grateful to have the time to spend with the ones you love.

I will now quietly step down from my Ivory Soap box...but it was fun while it lasted.


jmjana said...

so what are you going to get me???
you should have started preparing 100 days before this...I know it'll be great bff

ylmurph said...

does that box float?

Peggy Murphy said...

YLMURPH - I'm 99.9% sure it floats...

similar to my ideas..

jmjana...quit stalking me. Ok, I got you a little something, but you have to call me more often to be bff and get good presents..or have 3 cute kids I can spoil.(NO BORROWING from the Murphy pool of greats)