Thursday, September 28, 2006

Games We Kids Play

My Thursdays are a treat for me. I get to pick up Griffin (almost 6 yrs old now) from his bus stop and have lunch with him. If I have time, we squeeze in a "mystery ride" that sometimes includes putt-putt, bowling, Chuckie-Cheese games, a boat ride or play-time at the park. Today it included coming back to the house to play ping pong. My first mistake was buying WAY too many ping pong balls. You know how they always get lost flying under a sofa or crinkled by a mad man who lost his serve for the 4th time in the net? With 24 balls, I figured it would take AT LEAST a week before we needed to stock up again. Silly me. There are two left after today. Griffin likes to play "Incoming!" pong missiles and pelt me with as many as he can. At one point we were both on the floor laughing so hard he told me he was going to laugh his "whole body off".

We escaped the "war zone" to go to our favorite ice cream hangout, THE CONE...I think we go there as much to play games as we do for the ice cream (ok, that is just the biggest lie I've ever told, but the games are fun).

So, there was PAC-MAN....I haven't played it for quite a while and Griffin "double-quadruple-dared" me so I put in my quarter and 20 seconds later I was done. I laughed a little nervous laugh that one does when being totally mortified and plunked in another coin. I lasted 12 seconds.
Griffin knows enough to at least TRY to stifle his hilarity. I give him a quarter and he zips and turns and makes mincemeat of his opponents and is King Pac-man, making it to the 3rd level before I could mumble "Nice game"...

It was a quiet ride home, except for a little 5 year old in the back seat singing a little rap song:

I'm the Pac-man
Pegger's the loser
I'm the Pac-man
Pegger's a goof ball

After 10 minutes of that lovely song, I changed the subject and
I told him I was going to write a children's book called "Griffin's Mystery Rides" ~ Mr. Griffin Spielberg has bigger ideas as he suggested we make it into a movie and Brittany Spears could play ME.
He hasn't named the star who would portray Griffin.

If he beats me at too many more games, his MYSTERY Rides will turn into MISERY Rides.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Are you threatening my child? I will go Kathie Lee Gifford on your A-double-snakes.