Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Today I Made $492

I received my monthly Time Warner bill and gasped as I realized how much I was spending on cable "stuff"!
I have 4 TV's connected to cable; 1 "land" phone line with unlimited long distance; and 5 computers running off a wireless cable connection.
I keep reading and hearing about Time Warner's competitor, Cincinnati Bell's latest offerings and I think to myself, "Self...let's save some money today"
Thanks heavens "self" agreed or I wouldn't have a subject to talk about.

I called Time Warner and started the conversation by telling them that I wanted to cancel my current TW service and switch to Cinci Bell, babbling (inventing from my wild imagination) that Cin Bell could save me $24/month, which was $288/year which is $2880 over 10 years.
Mr. Time Warner Guy looked up my account number and without any hesitation, he informed me of good news: "You qualify for a reduction of your bill." He then told me he could save me $41.10/month, which was $492/year which was $4920 over ten years. (I dislike it when they use my same sales-ploy to win me back)

I'm very happy that I feel like I earned an annual savings of $492..but then I think, "If I qualify for this NOW, why didn't they call ME before I contacted THEM, to inform me of my "Priority Customer Qualification"?"

Hmmmm. Me sniffs a skunk somewhere. Ah, nay...just good business practices, right?


ylmurph said...

would you mind calling our mortgage guy?

Liz said...

wow good work, can i give you my account number at time warner?

Peggy Murphy said...

Anything for you all...