Saturday, November 04, 2006

The List of Mute Targets

I love the mute button on my TV remote. I will admit that I am still in the dark ages when it comes to using the latest editing features of TV land...using TIVO or DVR to escape annoying commercials and political ads.
But when a noise comes on the TV I don't appreciate, sure can find the trigger to.. MUTE....

Now, I'm not THAT much in the stone age where I can't read a newspaper or use the internet to research info on political candidates ~ or the sudsing action of the latest soap product.

This is the time of the year that I would really enjoy having a portable MUTE button that works on anything.
As touched upon earlier, the November airways are crammed with either mud-slinging candidates who, on one hand, talk the nasty at the opponent, and in the same ad, smile as he shows what a loving family man he is walking his daughter down the aisle at her wedding.
Will I vote for a guy because he is a Dad? MUTE..or that he drives a 1993 car?...or that he mows his own lawn? MUTE

Will I vote for someone who says nothing about what they stand FOR but slam their opponent viciously? MUTE

I love to answer the phone during dinner time to hear a chirpy voice diving right into why I should support issue #467...MUTE

When I go to the Doctor and the skinny 112 pound Beauty Queen nurse asks me to step on the scale....MUTE

On the occasion when my accountant calls to tell me my tax bill...MUTE

When the dentist tells you, I have good news and I have bad news..MUTE

But the real kicker is...when on Halloween, the tricksters come to the door, like:

The kid dressed like a sweet kitten with whiskers painted on her little face and she holds two bags...the size of leaf trash bags...and she looks up at you with the saddest brown eyes and says, "can I have some candy for my little brother who is too sick to come out tonight?"...and you want to dump the rest of what is left of your candy and your entire contents of your wallet into her bags...but then you see her Mom behind her...
with a designer "beggar bag".....


1 comment:

Annie Michael Murphy said...

so funny. it reminds me of that time...MUTE