Sunday, February 11, 2007

This May Make You Feel a Little "Flush"

Oh, dear Gussie! I read a headline on CNN's website about "Talking Urinal Cakes"...and I thought baked goods had made their way to the men's rooms. It appears that some creative wizard has come up with a great idea to either entertain, annoy, inform or embarrass men while they "see a man about a horse".
As I continued to read about these "talking urinals", I was picturing two urinals side by side, telling each other knock-knock jokes. I think way too literally.

Here's an article from that I found on the world wide web that describes this invention ~

"Now it won't be possible for a man to pee in peace, as urinals across the country will be equipped to broadcast public messages. Urinals have been fitted with the Wizmark Urinal Communicator, a waterproof, disposable drain cover embedded with electronics that senses a visitor and then relays an audio message. The proximity sensor detects someone approaching within about 30 to 60 centimeters. A few seconds later, the detection lights flash, and a pre-recorded audio announcement starts playing. The device has a nine-centimeter diameter display area containing a lenticular screen that features multiple images or text that, and as the person moves toward the urinal, they appear to change from one graphic to the other.
Dr Richard Deutsch, its inventor, said the device can be programmed to play anything from beer commercials to public service announcements promoting responsible drinking, and has been designed to fit over the drain of standard-sized urinals. It also acts as a deodoriser with a disinfectant base, he said. Safety officials in Nassau County, New York, have already acquired 100 copies of the Wizmark, funded by fines from those caught driving while intoxicated."

Whew! Can you imagine a guy wobbling into a urinal after he's been partying and downing a few brewkies ~ and in "mid-stream" he hears a voice that he thinks in his fuzzy state, may be GOD, advising him that he needs to sober up before driving?
How fast do you think he would be ordering coffee to replace the "long island iced teas"?

I imagine Churches would be a good advertiser for this particular invention.

This topic has left me a bit "drained"...and just a bit nervous about what inventors will think of next to surprise the public in private situations!

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