Saturday, February 17, 2007

Bald is Beautiful

Today I read that Britney Spears has shaved her head and added a tattoo to her body. I, personally would probably do neither of those things in a conscious, or altered state. Maybe Brit's hair got in her eyes too much and that's why she's been having trouble safely caring for her children. Possibly the heavy tresses on her dome caused her to make poor judgments in choosing a husband.

I worry that she now could catch a cold more easily and have the need for prescription medication.
To be fair, she could have felt that the need to trim her hair care budget. I'm thinking her ex-husband must be asking for a Brit-load of alimony.

A bald head would certainly save some coin because there is no need for a special hair shampoo, rinse, conditioner, gel, blow dryer, sprays and color. She can even sell her combs, brushes and shorn locks on e-bay and consider hiring more nannies.

I wonder if there is some kind of a trade-off, though...would a bald head need some kind of special care? Maybe she has to buy an expensive razor to keep the 5 o'clock shadow to a minimum. During photo-shoots and concerts, she may incur an additional cost of buying and wearing special, costly make-up and powder to avoid a blinding reflection that might injure a fan or photographer ~ and then there would be the law suits...NOW we're getting into talking serious money here...

OK, where was I? Oh, now let's go back to saving B.S. some $$$ ~ one alternative is for her to wear fancy-smancy designer scarves and head-wear to avoid that bald-reflection law suit. But wouldn't that put her right back in a financial conundrum, having to spend a "record" amount of money on that famous head of hers?

It's none of my business but I must say I'm a little concerned about her ~ how about if I look at the carton of winter hats and scarves that were going to be donated to the homeless and maybe be re-route a few things to the obviously (delirious) much-in-need-of-something Britney.

Now, about the tattoo...oh, never mind.

1 comment:

ylmurph said...

I think she's been takin' the crazy pills...