Friday, February 09, 2007

Bambi Needs to "Pack Heat"

I had to take my dog, Bailey, to see the Veterinarian today. Bailey was really sick but I just knew that he would be OK once he saw Dr. Rob. I love this Vet. He is kind, caring and good-looking to boot! The office environment is a reflection of these qualities as each member of his staff is friendly, helpful and most efficient.
Due to the nature of Bailey's illness, I just drove over to the animal hospital without calling for an appointment as it is only five minutes away.

As I waited for the assistant to check on the availability of the vet, I tried to calm my nerves by thumbing through a magazine. Bailey was in my arms, shaking so hard that I thought his eyebrows would fall off.

The first magazine that I grabbed had some kind of Field and Stream theme going on and on the front cover, in LARGE TYPE, a headline SCREAMED, "12 Ways to Get Your Buck" and they were not referring to a denomination of money. They were showing hunters how to kill a deer!

All of a sudden, I didn't feel so comfortable in my vet's office. How could he purport that he cares for sick animals but then buys a magazine that is available in the lobby that outlines details on how to kill them?
That makes no sense to me.

I've never understood the "sport" of killing an animal. A person armed with a rifle or bow and arrow, stalks an un-armed animal that is just hangin' out, having a nice walk around God's world and WAMMO! The hunter springs out of his hiding place to take a shot in an open field to end this creature's life.
Wow. That is so cool. And the idiot who shot him is so proud of himself that he hangs the head of the victim up in his den for all to see.
I wonder if he has any pictures of his family that hang that large for admiration? Or does he just "honor" a dead defenseless deer?

Maybe if the deer was also armed with a shotgun it would be more fair. Oh, the pity.

Dr. Rob was in surgery and couldn't see Bailey so we had another vet examine him. Tomorrow I have to take Bailey back for more tests.
I hope I don't see any camaouflage jackets hanging on the coat rack.

Maybe I should be looking at the reading materials at my own family Doctor's office. If I see a funeral home directory, I'll be switching Doctors.

1 comment:

Linda said...

You make sure you give Bailey a hug for us...
WE love you Bailey...
:) the girls and Sammy