Thursday, May 22, 2008

Life's a Gas!

Interesting May gasoline prices - Who's winning what war where?

Country/Territory US$/gal

United States $3.99

Saudi Arabia (Riyadh) $0.45

United Kingdom $8.18

Sierra Leone $18.42

Australia (Melbourne) $5.18

Belgium (Brussels) $8.44

Canada $4.88

China $2.44

Egypt (Cairo) $1.23

Germany $8.63

Hong Kong $7.56

Iran $0.41

Israel $7.20

Kuwait (Kuwait City) $0.78

Mexico (Mexico City) $2.36

Norway (Oslo) $9.71

Turkey $10.13

Turkmenistan $0.29

Venezuela (Caracas) $0.17


Anonymous said...

aunt peggy
thank you for going to my baseball game tonight - all of my 7 year old friends thought you were very nice.
Love Griffin

PS - what does "WTF" stand for?

Peggy Murphy said...

Thanks for your kind words and I like all of your 7 yr old friends too..except one who will remain nameless.

Honey, WTF stands for the age-old question, "Will teflon float?"
This subject has befuddled scientists for decades and maybe when you go to college and study very very hard, you will be able to discover this answer.