Friday, February 22, 2008

Super Hero Phone Needed Please

HELP! Save me!
I am without a phone!
"Good gabbing, Batman, how will she survive?"
"Tell her to take deep breaths, Robin! But..I'm in the cell did is she without a phone?"
"She dropped it in, that was the last time she ruined her cell phone. This time she washed it with her clothes."

OK...I have to admit that I'm just a bit panicky and sure WANT to call on some superhero to get me out of this jam. I rely on my cell phone almost as much as toilet paper. I don't have a "land line" in my name anymore (I know some young whipper-snappers are wondering what a "land line" is!).
What makes this predicament even more annoying is that the city has shut down due to a little nuisance called ICE on the roads. I'm wondering if there isn't SOME cell phone distributor who would brave the elements to come deliver a device to me. would I call them to inquire?

Wait just a darn minute here. I've got to put my thinking hat on.
That's better.
Here I am baby-sitting a 4 month old baby! I'll just use hers!
Super baby to the rescue!

1 comment:

Annie Michael Murphy said...

Wait a second...I don't have a four month old baby. Whose kids are you cheating on me with????