Sunday, July 20, 2008

Movie Theaters Can Be Dangerous

I LOVE going to the movies.
I even enjoy giving my ticket to the ticket-taker even when she can barely gesture toward my theater as she mumbles, "number 5"...
I LOVE the smell of popcorn and the previews of coming attractions.
I LOVE watching the different ways movies introduce themselves at the beginning.
I even LOVE watching the credit and seeing who the gaffer and gaffer assistant are.

Today at 10:15 a.m. I watched "MAMA MIA" starring Meryl Streep, Christina Baranski, Julie Walters, Colin Firth and Pierce Brosnin.
It was 1 hour and 43 minutes of toe tapping, face grinning and shoulder shimming fun. Maybe one has to be in the shadow of age 45 to really enjoy this but to see 59 year old Meryl Streep have as much fun as she had, all the while, dancing with unbridled enthusiasm like she was 14, was absolutely delicious!
I saw a review that panned Pierce Brosnan but I didn't care that he couldn't sing.

The only thing I DON'T LOVE about movie theaters is that they don't have a bona fide dance floor. I've managed to turn an ankle, pull a muscle and break more than a sweat as I danced in my seat to the music of ABBA. I must have thought that I could keep up with the trained dancers in the movie, all the while making a perfect fool of myself in my seat.

When I saw the show, HAIRSPRAY, my chiropractor was able to install a new swimming pool from the fees I "racked" up.

I guess this is the reason that I am such a valued subscriber to NETFLIX. My basement video screening room has a padded floor and a medicine cabinet close by.

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