Monday, April 07, 2008

Let Them Entertain You

Entertainment can come in all forms ~
My favorites (in no particular order):
Seeing if I can file three fingernails before the light turns green and the honking horn behind me brings me back from my alpha state; seeing how fast my ceiling fan can keep a sock on it before it wings it into another room; counting how many bushes, trees and mailbox posts Bailey can mark in a 15 minute walk and hoping he breaks the record of 39; or betting on how many friends 7 yr. old Griffin can make at the playground in 30 minutes.
T.V. seems to be the #1 answer for most when posing the question of "What do you do for entertainment?"
But Saturday night I was privileged to enjoy a performance by a Columbus Womens Band with the Irish moniker of "The Ladies of Longford"
The leader of the band, Hilda Doyle, is the Mother of the two vocalists (and Grandmother of a soon-to-be-added member). She can play a guitar and sing like the pros wish they could. Stephanie Doyle and her older sister, Heather Doyle-Frazer are 30-something and have been at their Mom's side singing their special hearts out since they were knee high to a toy guitar. They both have supreme musical ability with various instruments. Both of these phenomenal individuals have voices better than any of the American so-called-Idols...too bad they are just over the age 29 silly cut-off age.
Rounding out the group are Liz Blickenstaff, a brilliant fiddler, and Molly Pauken, who is an extraordinary bass and percussion musician who graces 4 various bands with her talents and has an awesome website ( where you can order some her CD's and check out her schedule.

The excitement about this group is multi-dimensional. Not only can they play seventeen types of genres, but their energy, professional sound and their pure joy in entertaining is absolutely infectious. The crowd was mesmerized by the ballads and enervated by their Irish reels and upbeat instrumentals.

If you ever get a chance to see these ultra-talented ladies, it will be worth your while. Catch 'em before some talent agent books them into $195/seat venues! - Click on Ladies of Longford.
They have released some awesome CDs so check them out too!

They are SAWEET!

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