Sunday, June 25, 2006

Life is about balance ~ but not for me

If one can teach an elephant to balance on a ball, why can't I balance my check book?

(Off topic
- If we can send men to walk around on the moon, why can't the Reds learn to hold on to their National division lead?..or why can't we have lint-less dryers that don't eat socks?...or...
see, I always wanted to start a statement with "If we can send a man to the moon, why can't we...blah, blah, blah"...I'm over it now)

ok, back "on-topic"

If the reknown artists and truly admired talented individuals of the world had lived a balanced life nothing truly great would be created...well, that's according to my be-it-ever-so-humble-there's-no-place-like-home opinion.

It seems as though we strive to live a "balanced" life..a little work, a little entertainment, a little hobby, a little house cleaning, a little shopping...but if we tilt just a bit in any of those areas, we are labeled with a negative name..maybe it's "shopaholic" or "workaholic" or a "party-person" or a "couch potato" or "home-body".

If Mike Angelo hadn't had a passion to paint chapels constantly...morning, noon and night, would we know his name today? Maybe Harold Pumpkin would have been the artist's name that would be known in history for painting on his back.
Do you think Mr. Angelo's Mom told him he should balance his life with a little extra-curricular activity? Maybe he could take up line dancing, or take the garbage out a little more often or milk a few more cows to balance his existence?

How about Tommy Edison? If he had lead a balanced life, I might be blogging in the dark...hey! Maybe computers wouldn't exist! (whoops, I forgot, Al Gore invented them along with the internet)

My point (yes, I have one) is that maybe an unbalanced life isn't all that bad sometimes.
Maybe a passion for something can monopolize one's time and it's ok.

Maybe it's all right to go completely tunnel vision and take 15 days in a row to work on one projcct and barely come up for air until it's done.

Maybe sometimes we need to play like a kid for a longer period of time than society thinks is "appropriate"...

or maybe we simply do absolutely nothing for a while..because we need to.

and maybe I want to blog longer than the "commonly acceptable" 300-500 words and go no where in particular with my ramblings.

Ah, heck...I have never been known for my balanced life OR checkbook. Why the heck start now? And you know what? I'm not guilty...(by reason of...)

I gotta go now. I'm still trying to figure out the motivation of why that elephant does that balancing trick on the ball.

Does anyone think he's really enjoying attempting that balancing act?

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