Friday, June 23, 2006

Big Sister Is Watching You!

Have you ever felt like you could do nothing right?
Like no matter where you go...or what you say, someone is there to correct you?
I gave a store clerk a dollar too much and as she returned it, I thought, "Oh, she must think I'm stupid".

I had to call my computer server company to figure out a problem that I perceived to be HUGE, only to learn that the solution was be so embarrassingly simple, a 5 year old could have figured it out. So simple, in fact, that I am sure he told 345 of his fellow-workers about the blond-haired dummy on that last phone call.
(hmmm..maybe that's better than the grey-haired old biddy?)

I accidentally used the tablespoon measurement for a teaspoon measurement of sugar in a delicate recipe and I was sure that the Martha Stuart police would discover and put me under "house arrest"...(since Martha kinda knows about such things).

Oh, how I wish I were a kid again with no responsibilities. Or, I?

I'm having a flashback of my mean grown-up neighbors across the street. When I was young they constantly were criticizing and yelling at their kids every day for things that they also did sometimes "accidentally".

I think I'll go have a cool-aid and count the worms on the sidewalk....enjoy a few minutes of the day and then return to accidentally switching checks and envelopes to two creditors. I may end up with a library of unwanted Crafts and AutoWorld journals since my house payment went to $19.00 magazine subscription bill.


Anonymous said...

I am sure Griffin will sell you a Kool-Aid...he had a stand and made $2.35 you know.

Peggy Murphy said...

Now, COULD have corrected me for mis-spelling Kool-aid..but you are nice.

I actually MEANT to spell it with a "C"...trying to Margaret-ize words is my new hobby.