Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Creature Comforts

Today I scheduled a break at 11 a.m. to catch the first few minutes of The View.
Why would I do that you might ask? Why would anyone want to tune in to see 5..or..4...or now 3 women "discuss" the same things you and your best friends and family argue about on a regular basis?
Well, in my case, it is because in reading my daily CNN internet headlines, I saw that Star Jones announced that she was leaving her seat on the show.

It's really no surprise based upon soon-to-fill-a-chair Rosie O'Donnell's "sensitive" remarks about Star and her weight-loss tactics; audience opinions about her feminine husband, her begging for gifts for her engagement, and her overall attitude. But the news story made it sound like Star made this proclamation without anyone's knowledge.
So, naturally, I wanted to see the "fall-out" on today's program.

Star didn't happen to show up for this show even though, she was supposed to leave in the fall, she FELL BIG TIME from the network's (ABC) grace and got dumped early. week-long farewell tour like Merideth's sappy elongated goodbye. No month-long emotional and fun-loving clips from past shows like Charlie Gibson's SECOND departure from co-hosting Good Morning America..
No waving at the crowd as they pay tribute with a 10 minute standing ovation in 29 cities like tennis retiree Andre Agassi. Nope...just a pink slip and a 2 minute cryptic bye-bye.

But the one thing that she might hae been able to take with her, was the cushion from her chair. All the View gals have their own cushion on what looks to be an already comfortable chair. That always baffled me why they needed additional comfort as they are only IN those chairs about 57 minutes. I've heard them say they keep the air-conditioning at freezing to keep both show hosts and audience members awake...wouldn't it be cheaper to just sit on a nice hard chair? (maybe add a tack or two now and then when the guests are really boring?)

Here I am working at my desk in a hard wooden chair that is way too old and rickety to even qualify for antique status. I sit in this chair upwards to 10 hours/day with the only comfort being my own God-given cushion (which is way more than ample).

Guess I shouldn't complain...I don't have to answer to ABC OR Barbara Walters...and good luck to Rosie O'Donnell. I know one person who probably won't be tuning in to see how comfortably she sits in her chair.

1 comment:

ylmurph said...

how can I enjoy the view without my star?