Sometimes I worry WAY to much..and can't sleep thinking about how unnatural it is that I worry so much..then I worry about myself...are you following?
Worrying about worrying is the worst.
I mean, I don't worry about BIG things like, whether I can pay my car payment every month or if the mole on the right shoulder that is rapidly changing color and symmetry, should be examined by a medical professional.
No, I worry about the expiration date on my toothpaste. I found a tube of toothpaste pressed way in the back of my drawer in the bathroom and I had used it for about 10 days when I realized it had an expiration date. It expired in 1993. I couldn't get a wink of sleep all night wondering if either:
A) my teeth would surely fall out AND probably at a most embarrassing moment when I am saying grace in front of 12 guests...
B) my entire biological system has been infected by CREST-ites...little toothpaste germs that are attacking my corpusles and molecules as we breathe.
Last week I weighed a package that I was mailing out and put on the appropriate postage and popped it into the mailbox.
Then, POW!
I realized that once I added the stamps, maybe the weight of the 5 stamps I had just adhered to the bundle would push the needed postage to a new amount! I didn't sleep for 2 nights until I found out that the recipient of the package had received it.
I am ultra concerned that Hugh O'Brien, 81 and former star of Wyatt Earp who just recently married for the first time, will have a stroke on his honeymoon.
I worry that if the creator of the funny Serta mattress commercials with the cute talking sheep ever gets caught sleeping on a posture-pedic, he'll be fired. (and probably won't be able to sleep too well himself)
Although it is 6 months away, I am already frantic about the outdoor Christmas decorations having enough lights on the plastic flamingo-elves.
Now I won't sleep tonight thinking this was kind of a silly blog.
WAIT! I just read that worrying gives one premature old-person lines. Now something REAL to worry about!