Monday, September 01, 2008

T.V. Troubles

Give me back my black and white, three channel TV set with no remote and "rabbit ear" antennas that needed aluminum foil on the tips ~ with someone having to sit in just the right spot, holding a golf club in the air to acquire even a fuzzy reception.

WHY, you may query, do I want to step back in retro time?
Because I wouldn't have spent half of my life during these past 4 days on the phone with Time Warner Cable trying to get my High Definition, big screen, 328 channel TV to turn ON.

There was a total of 5 phone calls that added up to 2 hours & 14 minutes of blah, blah. We finally discovered that a Time Warner "technician" had cut our cable while attempting to accommodate our next-door neighbor with better reception. Now, our neighbors are enjoying crisp, clear television pictures and I have finished reading all 213 books that I have been meaning to get to ~ and am down to reading back issues of Readers Digest (from 1984 and 1992) along with a couple of issues that belong to my 3 year old great-nephew Cooper's Highlights Magazine for Children.

I think this may speak to my being way to dependent on the talking screen. Since I have the TV back in working order, I have been glued to the Weather Channel and i refuse to turn the set off for fear that it won't turn back on.

I just heard a woman weather reporter mention that one of her reporters playing outside while Hurricane Gustav is moving in is being "spanked" by the frisky winds.
Wow....I can't even enjoy a good weather report without it needing to be screened for language content.

Back to needing television of the old days ~ including when we didn't know if it was snowing on the football field or if it was our reception.

1 comment:

ylmurph said...

who names a hurricane Gustav anyhow?
this sounds like the beginning of my next blog post...